Private Boat Ramp

The MBC have a private boat ramp at the end of View Street. This boat ramp is accessible by key only.

It is important to note that a member is a person not a boat

Keys will be issued via post along with membership stickers on new membership acceptance or when renewing an existing membership (once payment of fees is confirmed)

Committee needs to be notified if your key is lost and there will be a replacement charge for a new one.

KEY FOBS ARE NUMBERED and their use can be monitored.
A register of key recipients will be held and the key number will be logged to their name.
This register will be kept up to date and available to the committee at all times.
You are responsible for the security and appropriate use of your key.
You must ensure gate is locked once you are through.
Keys may not be lent to non-members.
Members cannot let non-members through the gates.
Members who are found to have done this risk loss of membership and key.
Keys may not be lent to members who have not requested a key.

Are located before the bridge.
A turning bay has been provided which allows non qualifying rigs to turn round and get out.

Please ensure your trailer and/or vehicle has your membership number ID on it.
On trailer please place it near the winch post.
On vehicle place on drivers side front windscreen.

MAIN KEY USE RULES (full rules will be supplied with key on pick up)
Key must not be lent to anyone else at any time
Member parking is to be within gated area
You are responsible for key and gate security
Place ID stickers on your rigs

NEW RULE #1 (as of 9 July 2018)
Any key holder may take one boat at any one time through the gate provided they are going to sail on it throughout
its time on the lake.
NEW RULE #2 (as of 9 July 2018)
A member may lend his boat and key to an immediate family member provided the boats’ trailer is displaying a
current membership number.
NEW RULE #3 (as of 9 July 2018)
Aside from the exemptions in rules above -
No key holder shall lend his key to any other person or provide access through the gate to any other person or
their boat.
The Committee recognize a need to encompass immediate family in facility use - the primary key holder may not
always be able to be present.
This new provision now allows for that where previously the rules did not.


KEYS are no longer available to NON MEMBERS 

in this section

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Want to join the Manapouri Boating Club or have an enquiry?